Tagged: Premiere Pro

Color Grading in Premiere Pro 7

PDF-chapter on Color Grading in Premiere Pro

Finally, the first complete chapter from The Cool Stuff in Premiere Pro is ready for download. Using the techniques explained on these 69 pages on Color Grading in Premiere Pro will bring your film to a new level of awesome!
Download the PDF file and learn everything about the Color Correction Workflow in Premiere. Primary and Secondary Color Correction are explained in great detail, and so is Shot Matching and Creating Looks, making and using Presets and much, much more!

Color grading & finishing

Color grading and finishing in Premiere Pro CS5.5

This video tutorial covers advanced color grading in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, using custom masks and a collection of clever Color Grading Presets. Also covered are a range of useful fixes and finishing techniques. Speed up your workflow now!

Spreadsheets to Lower Thirds 8

Spreadsheets to Lower Thirds

In this free sample chapter from The Cool Stuff in Premiere Pro you’ll learn how to take a list of people’s names, occupation, nationality etc. from a spreadsheet and automatically make Photoshop output one lower third per person – including their name and occupation and even a flag representing their nationality – while you’re drinking coffee, or editing the trailer.