Jarle’s Deadpool Handheld Camera Presets
Here you can download the «Handheld Camera» presets I made for the movie Deadpool. These are real camera shake presets, made from actual shots with a real camera – not some digitally created wiggle. That makes them truly organic and real looking. And of course, they’re all GPU accelerated and will work in real-time in Premiere Pro.
Some history
Vashi Nedomansky was hired as a consultant on the Deadpool movie to help lead editor Julian Clarke and the rest of the editing team with their Premiere Pro workflow. They used After Effects to simulate handheld camera shake, but it slowed them down because they had to go to After Effects, and there was some rendering involved. So Vashi contacted me, and asked if I could make some Premiere Pro presets for handheld camera. He knew I had a short one already in Jarle’s Presets v 3.
So I made some new ones that were longer, and had various amounts of shake because they were shot with different lenses etc. You can read more about the way the Deadpool team used Premiere Pro at The Pro Video Coalition and on Jonny Elwyn’s blog.
Want Motion Blur?
To keep these presets working in real-time, there’s no Motion Blur. You may want Motion Blur on the shakiest presets. If you want Motion Blur on your clips, just right-click and choose Replace with After Effects Composition. In After Effects, turn on the Motion Blur switches for the Layer and for the Composition. Go back to Premiere, and you have Motion Blur on your camera shake.
Download the presets for free
Now, you can use the very same presets used by the editors of Deadpool to simulate handheld camera in your locked-off shots. Just download the presets, unzip the ZIP file and import the presets to Premiere. (In the Effects panel, right-click the Presets folder and choose Import Presets, then point to the .prfpst file). Throw them on your boring locked-off shots to create a more energetic look. Please note that I made these in Premiere Pro CC2015.2, so they may not work in older versions of Premiere. EDIT: I just got a word from someone using CS6, and he says it works a charm in CS6! 🙂

Download Jarle's Deadpool Camera Shake Presets
Download 431.94 KB 428370 DownloadsIf you like these presets, you may want to learn more about advanced editing techniques in Premiere Pro. Take a look at The Cool Stuff in Premiere Pro, where you’ll learn how to make advanced effects presets and edit faster in Premiere Pro.
Now also for Vegas Pro!
Edit Dec 13 2016: Aleksey Tarasov, the author of the Vegasaur Toolkit extension for VEGAS Pro NLE contacted me and asked if he could include my presets as part of his Vegasaur extension. I gave him my permission, so now even Vegas Pro editors can enjoy the handheld look from Deadpool. Here’s a screen shot from the extension.
Read more here: http://vegasaur.com/handheld-camera
Now also for After Effects!
Edit Jan 16 2017: Greg Golya, design director for Fox Sports in Cleveland Ohio USA, has converted the Premiere Pro presets to an After Effects project! The project has solids that you can replace with your own footage. That project made it very easy for me to save Effects Presets, which may be a better way to use these. So now you can download my presets and his project (CC2015.3).
Unzip the files and copy the “! Deadpool Handheld Camera” folder with the two sub-folders containing .ffx files to Documents\Adobe\After Effects CC 2017\User Presets. If you don’t have a User Presets folder, just create one. Next time you open After Effects (or refresh the effects list) you’ll have all the Deadpool presets in your Effects & Presets panel. Note that these AE presets are made for 1920×1080 footage. If you use other sizes, you’ll need to move the Anchor Point or add a Transform effect to center the footage after adding the preset to a layer.
These AE presets should work with After Effects CC2015.3 and newer.

Download Deadpool Handheld Camera AE Presets
Download 907.05 KB 114153 Downloads
Now also for Nuke!
Gavin Greenwalt Converted the presets over to Nuke Transform Gizmos, and made them available at http://pastebin.com/XdmMfKAY.
Contents, Jarle’s Deadpool Handheld Camera Presets
- For any footage
- Handheld Camera – Long Lens
- Handheld Camera – Small Camcorder
- Handheld Camera – Somewhat Steady
- For over-sized footage
- Handheld Camera – More Movement
- Handheld Camera – More Movement Smooth
- Handheld Camera – More Movement, Smoothest
- Handheld Camera – Lots of Movement
Vashi took the time to create a sample video where he applied some of the presets, so you can see the effect. Watch it below.
If you haven’t seen the movie, here’s the trailer.
Update 2016-08-06: The presets have been used in two Scandinavian movies lately – Hermit Monster Killer and Cave. Here’s the trailer for Cave.
1000 Thanks for sharing!!
Спасибо за информацию и за пресет! Thanks!
These are AMAZING! Thanks so much for sharing.
Awesome! Thanks so much!
thanks for the shake presets !
Converted them over to Nuke Transform Gizmos if anyone wants them.
Cool! 🙂
Any way of using these in Adobe after effects?
Add the preset to a clip in Premiere, right click and choose Replace with After Effects Composition, and you have the camera movement in After Effects.
Yap, but I don’t have premiere 🙂 that’s why I asked.
Thanks Jarle
They made the entire movie in Premiere?
Yep, the whole film was edited in Premiere. Dynamic Link to After Effects was used a lot for temp VFX and speed ramps.
Is it possible to know what was the export settings for the movie Jarle?
If you mean the DeadPool movie itself, wouldn’t know. It could be DCP directly out of Premiere, or they may have exported a high-quality intermediate file for alter conversion to DCP.
wow..this is one of the best free effect I have find. Very useful.
Great plugin! Question. I am working with 4K footage on a 1080 Sequence so when I apply, it scales the image to 105%. I can scale down to the size I want but I cannot change the position. I know that’s because of the keyframing. Is there any way to position my subject where I want them in the frame? Thanks!
Donald, in your case you can use the presets for over-sized footage, which do not scale the image. To change the framing, use Anchor Point keyframes.
Perfect. Thank you. And thanks again for this great plugin!
Thanks for this, it’s great. Was wondering how to make the effect last the entirety of the clip?. It stops ‘moving’ halfway through and goes back to a static shot.
Open the Effect Controls Panel and you’ll see the keyframes for Position and Rotation under Transform. You can copy and paste some of these to make the shake last longer. You may have to tweak a few keyframes to make it flawless. Or just cut to another clip and then back again. 🙂
Here’s another good way of doing this. Looks like this preset has exactly 25 seconds of keyframes (at 24fps) that start and end in roughly the same place. Therefore, if you have fifty seconds of footage, cut it in half, and paste the preset individually to each new clip.
Hi All,
I’ve got the same issue. I want the effects to last the whole clip, however, it stops and returns to static after 25 odd seconds. How can I just stretch it and make it last for the duration of a clip?
Best wishes, James
I only tracked 25 seconds of footage – so if you need it on a longer clip you’ll have to copy some of the keyframes and paste them after the existing ones.
FUcking nice!! THanks from hong kong somebody
Anyone know how to convert the .prfpset for use in Final Cut Pro X?
Awesome! Thank you.
thank you for everything you have done for us, iam learning alot with you, please keep sending me the news and god bless you
Amazing!!! Tanks.
Thank you!
Thank you, it’s available also for Premiere CC under osx?
What makes you think these are not for MacOS? They work on both Mac and PC.
Where is “Handheld Camera” preset download link?
Under the “Download the presets for free” header, there’s a link that says “Download”. Click it.
Thx 🙂
Hi Jarle! I wanted to ask, is there a way to scale down the movement on “somewhat steady” preset? I mean, make it even more subtle? I would be grateful forever if theres a way to do that ;_; thanks!
Hi Fernanda, you can try this: Add the preset, then go to the Effect Controls Panel and delete half of the keyframes (keep the first half). Then select them all and Alt-drag the last one to the right. This will spread the keyframes out, so the movement will be a bit smoother. But for a better result, you could send the clip to After Effects after you add the preset, and then you can use the Smoother to smooth out the movement. Good luck!
These effects are amazing. Thanks on behalf of all indie filmmakers!
Thanks jarle works like a charm in Ppro CS6
wheres the link download ? i cant download with the download link from up there
Just click the word “Download” before “***** downloads so far”.
Where is the words, “Download” and “#### downloads so far”? I don’t see any of this on the page.
Since someone else didn’t find it a few days ago, I’ve made a change so it’s even easier to find. Now there’s a blue download arrow, and after that the text below. 40.000 people have managed to download it, so it shouldn’t be too hard.
Download Jarle’s Deadpool Camera Shake Presets (in big letters) downloads
Download 431.94 KB
Good post, keep
This is excellent!
I wanna kiss you on the mouth. Thank you for sharing your art.
The small camcorder one looks fake. I know you said you based these off of actual camera footage, but it still doesn’t seem natural.
Well, it was filmed with a small camcorder, so it’s definitely not fake. But if you want a “better” preset, please send me a link to a 20-second shot from a small camcorder that doesn’t look fake to you, and I’ll create another preset. You can post the link here, or send it to my e-mail: leirpoll@online.no
Thanks so much for sharing these camera presets. Deadpool is one of my favorite superheros! I think that this post was very helpful and entertaining! I wonder if you can use adobe spark video to edit the footage.
Hi Dennis, these presets are only available for Premiere Pro, After Effects, Vegas Pro and Nuke.
Hello Jarle,
Thanks a bundle for providing such a useful and realistic camera movement free
to us. But i would really really appreciate if you can somehow make this available for us
Vegas Pro users…. Yes i know you have already given the permission to Vegasaur to make it
available or Vegas users, But Vegasaur is not free. While it is free for all the others,
it is not free for Vegas users, we have to pay for it, along with other complications….. So i am asking, is it possible for you to make this available to Vegas users here as a script, preset or
something? Thanks again for this Jarle, much appreciated!
Steve, I don’t own Vegas Pro, and I don’t know it. So to make this happen, someone else would have to create the preset for Vegas. If someone does, I’d be happy to share it on my web pages.
Fist of all, thank you for sharing these presets, they are GREAT. I have a question: I’m using the Handheld Camera – Somewhat Steady preset on a long clip (longer than the keyframes of the preset). What’s the best way to extend the preset’s lenght? At the moment I’m selecting all the keyframes and duplicating them, but there’s a jump on the cuts, so it’s not perfect. Any tips?
Thank you.
Hi Albert, these presets were made for an action movie, so no long takes. 🙂 The best you can do is this: Try to find two keyframes with approximately the same position and rotation, one near the beginning, and one near the end. Then copy/paste only the keyframes between these.
very helpful thank you 🙂
Jarle, I just wanted to say thank you so much for this!
I’m just starting out in video production and special effects. I knew there were ‘fake’ camera shake presets out there, but to me it makes sense to use real motion data. So I’d been planning to capture my own camera movement but I don’t have the technical ability to turn that into presets. So these presents of yours are greatly appreciated and will save so much time and effort.
I haven’t seen Deadpool and in fact I can’t bear nasty, violent films or bad language. Just a few seconds of the trailer and I had to switch it off! So I hope you don’t mind me using these presets anyway? Thanks.
🙂 Not at all. Go ahead and use the presets.
love! thankyou so much!!!
I legit can’t thank you enough for sharing these for FREE! Such good karma for you and keep up the great work!!!
Hi, thanks for providing this, it’s very helpful. I was just wondering if there is a way to make the handheld shake even more pronounced? I’m just editing an action scene where most of the cams are very shaky action handheld and I have to make a tripod mounted cam cut with them, so needs to be even more shaky than the ‘small camcorder’ handheld. Thanks,
Thre’s no easy way to change these. But you can easily make your own by filming with a hand-held camera. Track the movement in After Effects, copy the keyframes to Premiere, and save as a preset.
thank you so much
Once I apply the preset to a clip, I cant remove it. How to remove it?
Never mind I figured it out.
Thank man I appreciate this!!!! Awesome work. Inspiration
You are the fucking man
Is there any chance we could se this coming to davinci. It almost an overkill to use fusion for this when there is a preset like this.
If anyone wants to convert these to a Resolve preset, I’ll be happy to include it here.
I would love this for Resolve. The past year I’ve been using Resolve more and more and it’s been great. Thanks1
Hi Aaron, I believe that XML supports Position and Rotation keyframes, so you should be able to add the presets to clips in Premiere Pro, export an XML, open it in Resolve, and save it as a preset from Resolve. If you succeed at this, please let me know, and I’ll put the Resolve presets up here. 🙂
Any chance for a HitFilm Pro preset of this? Would love to incorporate this into my work!
If anyone is willing to create it for HitFilm Pro, I’d be happy to post it here for download.
Enfin un des site très sérieux
Mille mercis pour le partage et votre bon coeur
Cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ
Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
I was wondering if you tell us how to achieve even more extreme camera shakes similar to those used in car commercials,
like some of the shots in this Porshe commercial: https://vimeo.com/285035791?fbclid=IwAR15YtU04fvqv7xT8ad-UVLcotqPmDRrnJMW7j2P_1XUIZf9ZeRskcyUyoM
Tarek, you can do this in After Effects with a Wiggle Expression on the Position parameter of the clip. I recommend linking it to a Slider Control, so you can keyframe the Wiggle.
Awesome! thanks for the shake presets !
thank u
Suis vidéaste réalisateur j apprécié beaucoup votre travail
Merci beaucoup
Is commercial use possible?
Absolutely! If you mention in the credits that you’ve used “Handheld camera presets from premierepro.net”, that would be much appreciated. Also, feel free to post a link to the finished project here.
Tons of thanks
thank you
Thank you so much, these are great!
Hi, I don’t understand very well how the gizmo in nuke works, anyone can explain to me how use the Gavin Greenwalt Converted the presets_ Thanks a lot!!!
It is great. Thank you for sharing. But can you edit the duration to 4 minutes? How
You can copy/paste the existing keyframes – and if you can find one near the start and one near the end that are somewhat similar, you can create a continuous movement for 4 minutes.
it works. thank you.
Very nice thanks, is it normal that there is no Z (or scale in 2D) ?
I’m using the nuke version
Yes, this is normal. Premiere Pro does not support 3D movement, except from via certain plug-ins/effects – like the built-in Basic 3D effect. Since there’s no zooming or dollying here, the Z value should be constant, but you’ll have to set it yourself, since the Nuke version was made from the Premiere Pro version – and hence has no Z value.
hey just updated PP 2022 and they won’t let me import the presets… thoughts?
I just tried, and they do import as expected on my system. Did you follow the guide in the “Read Me.txt”?
Years later I’m still coming back to grab this for every system I cut on.
Great work, Jarle.
I imagine you would have gotten this question before but I can’t seem to find an answer… any chance you (or anyone here) might have created these presets for DaVinci Resolve? They are just so perfect and anytime I try to create my own through DaVinci, it just doesn’t compare. I appreciate your time and the work on these.. absolutely incredible
No one has done it yet, but if they do, I’ll be happy to post a link here.
Hey Jarle, Thank you so much for this.
I have been using these for years. But a couple months ago I switched to Davinci…
I feel like missing this is holding me back to premiere. Any idea on how I could get these into Davinci? I wouldn’t mind putting the time and effort to do it, Im just clueless on how to.
And if anyone has already done it, I would be grateful to have a link here!
Thanks again for your work!
Hi Sebastien, I would think that exporting an XML from Premiere Pro and importing that to Resolve would work. If you try it, let us know how it goes, and if it works, maybe you can share your Resolve presets here?
j’aimme baucoup utiliser les articles adobes
I have used these countless times…. Really good!!
Now I just hope that you will transfer them to Davinci resolve, as Premiere is dead to me….